LFM for WoD! If you do not see your class listed, but you are an
exceptional raider, contact us!
We recently transferred to Kel'Thuzad from Mannoroth on October
9, 2014
We finished US 54 for T16 25-man content
We are seeking highly motivated, skilled players with a good
attitude that share our desire to progress and kill bosses as soon
as possible after they are released.
As a result of having a light 12-hour raid schedule, it is
important that we have personalities in our raid group that mesh
well together. An ideal Applicant would be patient and able to take
constructive criticism, as well as possess a strong passion to push
your character to the limit.
All applications will be considered, so if you are an
exceptional player and can compete with our current raiders, we
want to see an application from you even if your spec isn't
Please fill out an application on our website at
Any questions about the trial period or process can be answered on
our website or by any available officer in game or on our
Raid info:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 8pm-12am EST
Mondays are a makeup day in the event we miss out on raiding due to
holidays or some other event. We also raid the first monday of a
new content tier.
Invites start at 7:45pm to clear trash up. We have a 10-minute
break at 10pm to minimize afks.
Prior progression raiding experience is a requirement, as is
in-depth knowledge of your class. We pride ourselves on efficiency,
as we have a light 3-day (12-hour) schedule. As such, we are always
seeking to bolster our roster with exceptional players.
If you have any questions, feel free to make a lvl 1 on Kel'Thuzad
or add us to Battletag.
Battletags: Gohugurmama#1280, Zavri#1756, Twintop#1680
Website: www.slashhug.com
Warcraft Logs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/85/
Who to whisper: Gohugurmama, Zavri, Twintop - Anyone in the
guild can point you to us.
*Recruitment needs on WoWProgress are always accurate and updated