<Something Wicked> - Whisperwind - is looking for a few
skilled players. Successful applicants will be speced properly at
the time of application and have their gear gemmed/enchanted as if
they were raid ready.
We do consider how well you are geared, but that is a secondary to
your ability to demonstrate you understand the mechanics of your
class. Applicants should be prepared to justify their choices in
gear, spec and play style. We don't just want you to be playing
right, we want you to know why!
About Us:
*We've raided for 6 years consecutively, transitioning through each
expansion with increasing levels of success, including a US #34
Heroic Garrosh in MoP.
*We have a history of stability, having the same raid and guild
leader for the entirety of our existence.
*We raid only 12 hours per week (4 hours/3 days), but we don't
think our reduced raid time is an excuse for poor performance.
*Yes, we use that schedule during progression too.
About You:
*You play the game for progression, but don't have either the time,
or the desire to raid on a full time schedule.
*You expect raids to start on time and you log on early to make
sure that happens.
*You have no complaints about using consumables, and you expect
others to use as many as you do.
*You understand if you don't log in, other people do, and they have
an expectation that you will as well.
*You are proficient with your computer; and are willing to fix
problems as they arise.
Raid Schedule:
Wednesday - Thursday - Sunday
8:00pm to 12:00pm CST
Loot Rules:
We use a custom system based on the ratio of loot received to your
hours raided with the guild. This has the advantage of quickly
allowing newer members to become competitive while rewarding high
attendance. 90%+ attendance is expected of members. Failure to
maintain long term high attendance will see a reduction in loot
privileges and potentially replacement.
If you are interested please go to our site
http://www.somethingwickedguild.com and fill out our application.
If you have any questions, contact Moshne, Oxey, Shiramune,
in-game; moshne@me.com by e-mail, or Moshne#1962 b.tag.