Updated 26/01-2015
About us
Unexpected Variable is a multinational english speaking guild
formed and raiding on Zenedar EU Horde. Originally a 10man guild,
but after killing Garrosh 10HC(Rank 142), transitioned into a 25man
guild as preparation for 20man mythic and WoD.
We are currently recruiting a 1 melee and 1 healer for BRF
Splitraids and alts
We try to keep this to a minimum. We require everybody to have one
lvl 100 alt of the same role as their main. We do 2 split raids
during the Normal/Heroic week before Mythic are available. 2 raids
of half mains half alts.
Our raiding schedule
Wednesday 19:30-22:30 server time
Thursday 19:30-22:30 server time
Sunday 19:30-22:30 server time
Monday 19:30-22:30 server time
We are looking for players with:
Game and class knowledge, good connection+PC and microphone, gear
and experience. And obviously the ability to improve for each pull,
take criticism and consistently (+95% attendance) show up for
progress AND farm.
How to apply
Contact Azylo(AZYLO#2264) or Dpchi(Dpsilal#2349) ingame or visit
our website to make an application.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Unexpected Variable, Zenedar EU.