Security is back!
Contact any member online if you have any questions.
High recruitment: Spot open
Medium recruitment: Considering someone for the spot
Low recruitment: Only exceptional players will be
Raid times (invites start at 19:30):
Wednesday: 19:45-23:00
Thursday: 19:45-23:00
Sunday: 19:45-23:00
Monday or Tuesday extra day, will only be added IF needed:
About us:
Security has been around since the original Beta with the aim to be
a competitive, efficient and progressive raiding guild. Throughout
past expansions Security has been one of the top
European-international guilds, with various top 20 kills under our
belt. We continually strive to improve as a hardcore raiding guild,
but unlike the past we are doing it with spending less hours in the
game. We aim to have higher quality than ever, but a more friendly
schedule than ever.
Note worthy 25 Man Kills:
World: 29 EU: 21 Garrosh Hellscream
World: 23 EU: 18 Lei Shen
World: 26 EU: 17 Grand Empress Shek'zeer
World: 51 EU: 24 Madness of Deathwing
World: 44 EU: 29 Ragnaros
World: 30 EU: 16 Halion
World: 37 EU: 19 The Lich King
World: 45 EU: 25 Yogg 0
What Security can offer you:
Progression. A chance to see the cutting edge of PvE way ahead
of the curve.
A chance to prove yourself among some awesome players. We hold
countless DPS/HPS records on WorldofLogs.
Stability. As previously mentioned, Security is one of the
oldest guilds in Europe. While it was once called for dissbandment,
the rich history the guild has and the place some of the players
called a home simply had to keep on living, having players who were
once only raiders take up the task of recreating the guild.
Fun. Our guild chat and always full of banter and people
looking to do things whether they be PVP, play other games, form
alt raids or merely socialise.
What we expect from you:
Skill. You must know your class inside out and be able to apply
your class effectively in an ever changing raid environment.
Communication. You must must be able to communicate effectively
in English in game and over voice com. You must therefore have a
decent microphone/headset. You are no good to us if you have to
type in game to communicate.
Flexibility. At times we may call upon you to play another spec
that your class provides or one of your alts if an encounter
requires it.
Dedication. You should always place PvE at the top of your
priority list and do everything you can to help further the
progress of the guild.
Reliability. We expect as close to 100% attendance as possible
from you. Failing to provide decent reasons for being absent will
not bode well for your future in Security, especially with the aim
of rolling with a smaller roster.
Attending PTR raids within our normal raiding hours and days in
preparation for a new tier.
If you are interested in trialling for Security with the prospect
of becoming a full-time raider then please visit our website to
make an application.
Security Website:
Security on World of Logs:
Security on Warcraft Logs:
If you have any questions regarding Security then feel free to
either contact us through our website or by whispering one of our
members in-game and asking for an officer.
Thank you for considering Security.