If you're a skilled player looking for a "forever home," check us
Raid Time
Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday 9 PM - 12 AM CST (10 PM - 1 AM EST, 7
PM - 10 PM PST)
• Suicide Kings
• Loot council (ONLY on OS gear should multiple people want it)
<Elitist> A fun, tight knit, no-drama collection of grown
folks who enjoy killing monsters while wearing nothing but our
undies. Contrary to our name, we're not actually elitist snobs.
We're a laid back bunch that simply strives to enjoy the raiding
aspect of WoW to the fullest. When it's raid night, it's go time!
The core of our group has been raiding together at least two and a
half years. We have raiders who've been with the guild over five.
We pride ourselves on providing our raiders with a pleasant raiding
home, as evidenced by our having high raider retention.
An experienced raider with the following attributes:
• a team player who is reliable, mature, and has a positive
• looking for a raid for the long run
• good attendance
• knows his or her class and how to make the most of it
• OS competency if a hybrid class is HIGHLY recommended
• Mythic raiding (or pre-WoD heroic) experience preferred
• have mumble and a mic
Please fill out an application COMPLETELY at our site -
http://elitist-nath.enjin.com/. We very much appreciate when people
take the time to be thorough.
Any questions should be directed to Caesfu, Stealthninja, and
Loverlie (FayeFaye#1819).
Raid Live Stream
• http://www.twitch.tv/soul45man - (Motess - MDPS - monk PoV)