Matador is a mature, semi-hardcore raiding guild on the Madoran
realm. At Matador we believe the number of raid nights per week
does not dictate a Hardcore vs. Casual guild, but instead the
mentality of our raiders, expectations, and the effort you
demonstrate during those raid nights.
We are currently recruiting healers and exceptional DPS, however
all exceptional players are considered.
To that end, we are looking for players that demonstrate the
following characteristics:
- that show up for raids on time
- that bring pots/consumables to all raids
- that are able to make all raid nights on a regular basis, barring
any unexpected RL situations
- that read up on boss fights and come to raids with knowledge of
the encounters
- that can listen to directions and execute them
- that have a yearning to squeeze out every ounce of DPS, HPS, and
TPS they can get out of their characters
- that are able to provide and receive constructive criticism and
- that want to be the best at what they do
At Matador, everyone strives to be the best player they possibly
can be. We give and receive constructive criticism on a daily basis
because we believe it makes everyone better. Not everybody knows
everything there is to know, but by working together as a
collective group, we can give each other knowledge that will help
immensely towards reaching the goal of becoming the best.
If theorycrafting your character and reading up on how to improve
your healing, damage output and tanking rotations does not appeal
to you, then Matador is probably not for you. We expect all these
things because that's what it takes to get to where we want to
Our progression raid nights are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday at
8:30pm to 11:30pm server time (CST). We will strive to remain one
of the top raiding guilds on Madoran. This is your chance to
experience the Siege of Orgrimmar to its fullest extent.
Progression is, and always will be our main goal.
Kargath Bladefist
Twin Ogron
Kargath Bladefist
The Butcher
Twin Ogron
Kargath Bladefist
The Butcher
Twin Ogron
Imperator Mar'gok