wintergrapes - Kil'Jaeden is looking for exceptional raiders to
fill our WoD mythic raiding roster. We have a semi-casual raiding
schedule of 3 nights a week but we expect all of our raiders to
adhere to our hardcore standards.
When: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7PM-10PM PT
Current Progression: 7/7 Normal 7/7 Heroic 1/7 Mythic
Recruiting needs:
Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
• We expect 100 percent attendance unless otherwise notified.
• Modern PC capable of handling 20 man raids without excessive
• Stable internet connection.
• Ability to communicate using voice chat.
• Consistently parse above average for your class/spec.
• Raiders will be expected to not fail to the same mechanic more
than once or twice. Learn from your mistakes!
Please apply at You will be contacted by
one of our officers in 1-2 days.