Dragons is a family-friendly guild with an emphasis on casual pve
activity. We have multiple raid teams and raid times for players of
all different levels. We will be raiding heroic in WoD. We love to
run dungeons, arenas, CMs, and work on achievements and plan fun
events together.
Founded in August of 2007, Dragons is one of the oldest and most
active guilds on Maiev. Having fun and enjoying one another is by
far more important to us than maximizing our progress. Dragons has
never been seen recruiting new members in trade chat, as we prefer
to get to know prospective members before inviting them to our
virtual family. We welcome new members who are looking for a
supportive and respectful social environment. If you would like to
join, whisper a Dragon and they will put you in contact with an
officer. An interview with an officer is required if you don't have
a member recommendation. Non-Dragons are welcome to inquire about
coming along for normal Highmaul, old raids, or rbgs.
Normal Raids contact Rowénne
Heroic Raiding contact Cellfire, Nybero, or Rowénne
Challenge Modes contact Junipir
3s Team contact Cellfire
RBGs contact Cellfire or Junipir
Cross-guild or xrealm Collaboration contact Rowénne or Junipir
Openraid Upcoming Events: