Tier 17
- Imperator Mar'gok (3/7 20M)
Tier 16
- Garrosh Hellscream (14/14 10H)
- Paragons of the Klaxxi(13/14 25H)
Tier 15
- Ra-den (10H)
- Lei Shen (10H)
Tier 14
- Sha of Fear (10H)
- Grand Empress Shek'zeer (10H)
- Will of the Emperor (10H)
About Us:
Tactics, formally a top 10-man Alliance guild from Stormrage,
recently transferred over to Zul'jin Horde side. We have players
that have been raiding together for 3+ years, many of whom are
ranked. We are a very well established guild comprised of a
tightly-knit group of individuals that strives on performance and
progression. The best way to describe the raiding experience is
casually hardcore. Compared to most guilds who raid 4 to 5 nights
per week, we raid only 3 nights per week during progression. There
are also many other aspects of WoW that our members enjoy taking
part in. Whether you want to farm achievements, level new
characters, PvP, or just raid casually from time to time. We have
other raid groups that perform alt runs on a semi-weekly basis, or
more causal main teams for alts or players who can't make the main
raid team. Several of our members play many other games such as
Diablo 3, Tera, Path of Exile, StarCraft and several other popular
Current Recruitment Needs:
The following is our schedule during progression (Zul'Jin
server time).
Sunday: Off
Monday: Off
Tuesday: 7:45 - 11:00pm
Wednesday: 7:45 - 11:00pm
Thursday: 7:45 - 11:00pm
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 12:30 - 3:30pm
Thursday: 12:30 - 3:30pm
Friday: 12:30 - 3:30pm
Saturday: Off
BELOW!!!!Even if your role is not listed below, that does not rule
out the opportunity of you being offered a chance.
Druid (Balance or Feral)
Hunter (Any)
Monk (Wind Walker)
Rogue (Any)
Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement)
Death Knight (Unholy or Frost)
Paladin (Retribution)
Warlock (Any)
We are always accepting applications for exceptional players of any
class. Our intention is to continue to excel on a higher level of
progression, and utilize the time we have in the most efficient way
possible, while still having a fun enjoyable raiding environment.
Even if your role is not listed above, that does not rule out the
opportunity of you being offered a chance. Feel free to fill out an
application at
What We Expect From You:
People who show dedication, skill, patience, and a desire to be
apart of a team. We are built around a philosophy of helping to
improve one another, in turn, be prepared to receive feedback at
times, and understand it is not to knock you down, but to help you
improve. Although Tactics expects high levels of performance from
its members, we are also not by any means a guild of elitists. You
should be willing to challenge and better your performance under
any strict circumstances. We're looking for someone who is going to
be in it for the long haul, someone who doesn't have a problem
sitting out for a fight if needed, and someone who is vocal over
mumble. We are most particularly interested in people who are
highly motivated, adapt easily to unpredictable situations and do
not need to be asked to do something before acting themselves. If
you don't respond well to criticism or get offended easily then
this is not the guild for you. We expect that your skill will be up
to par and in some cases better then any of our current raiders. We
encourage competitiveness and you should strive to become more
efficient at adapting to any fight or any role. We're constantly
striving to be better as should you.
There are a few reasons you may not be allowed to raid or subject
to rejection from a raid:
* If you can't show up on time, prepared for raid. This
includes class appropriate flasks, pots as well as food and any
other raid essential items. We realize real life happens and there
is nothing wrong with that but if it begins to effect progression
in too much of a negative way you will be replaced. During
progression punctuality is key and attendance is a must.
* If you come with a bad attitude. Don't show up thinking
your better then anybody else or just not wanting to raid, we have
plenty of other players who would love a shot at some progression
as well as awesome loot.
* If you, or your computer, cannot perform the required
fight mechanics. (Most likely you just wiped the raid, but this
also applies to your computer being able to handle a 20-man raid
environment and it's intense graphical effects)
We only require one mod and HIGHLY RECOMMEND the
*Angry Assignments: Handles assignments during raids. It
provides a convenient way to store and share assignments for
different bosses, allows editing by multiple people, and is able to
display the information to raiders in a configurable format.
*WeakAuras 2: We use this mod to create auras for encounters
to inform players of certain abilitys that may require special
attention. It allows you to display highly customizable graphics on
your screen to indicate buffs, debuffs, and a whole host of similar
types of information.
*Deadly Boss Mods/BigWigs/Etc...: Although it is possible to
raid without these type of boss encounter mods, it is still your
responsibility to know the fights inside and out (who, what, where,
when,) and the times and abilitys of these encounters.
Important information:
We use an unbiased Loot Council system which is designed to fuel
progression. We don't require any special add-ons although you are
still expected to fully be raid capable with or without them and
perform to Tactics standard. We do however require mumble and that
you USE IT. Check us out and fill out and app at
For recruitment, questions, or concerns, please send all inquiries
to: Luvcakes, Olivía, Prideful, or Liz in game if you have
any further questions. Our players play on many other alts so send
an in game mail if need be. Or add RainboBright#1971