Fated Succession US-Frostwolf, is an established and devoted
raiding guild, positioning ourselves to be among the top 50 US
guilds. The general atmosphere in FS is an uncensored, adult social
setting with a good splash of humor. At the moment we are reviewing
potential raiders to bolster our 2 Mythic progression raids. We
want "fresh-to-death" players who have progressed through the more
demanding content in World of Warcraft when it was current, such as
M'uru in Sunwell Plateau or Twin Emps in AQ. We are looking for
reliable, top notch team players who are accustomed to
theorycrafting and mastering encounter mechanics.
Without a doubt you are now wondering how you too can be a part of
this endeavor. The answer is a simple one: contact us in game
Tsunade Bnet: Nikki#1862
Watuzzi Bnet: Watuzzi#1119
Raid Schedule: (2 raids groups, plus a stacked progression
Tues/Thurs 7-10 - Heroic Clear + some Mythic
Wed/Fri 7-10 - Norm Clear Wed, Heroic Clear Fri
Sun Progression 6pm-12pm - Bring all the best players for the
fights we are working on and get ish done!