Morior Invictus is a 10man heroic raiding guild with a high
emphasis on group synergy and individual play/accountability. Our
core raid teams stick to two raid nights and don't run a bench.
Our primary core has cleared 14/14 Heroic, and our second core has
cleared 7/14 Heroic.
Second core is currently recruiting exceptional healers to fill out
its roster; preferring a Monk, Shaman or Druid.
We are always on the lookout for outstanding players for our future
Mythic roster.
If interested in a position, send In-game mail to
Forsakenpeon-Cho'gall, Amather-LaughingSkull or
Core 1 Raid times: Friday/Saturday 7-11 ST
Core 2 Raid times: Wednesday/Thursday 7-11 ST