Who is Avid?
We are a tightly knit group of gamers stemming from various raid
oriented MMOs. Our core members partook in high-end raiding
progression in EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, WoW, and Rift. You can find
ex-members of guilds such as Malice, Dissolution, Team Ice,
Nightmare's Asylum, Curse, and Maximation within our ranks. Raiding
is the catalyst that brought us together, but we also take pride in
the community that we've formed over the years.
Our WoW adventure is a resurgence brought by the lack of quality
raid content in other games. Many of us saw WoW going down hill
after WotLK with the split of 10/25m raids, but we were proven
wrong as content has continued to flourish. We started leveling
after heroic 10 man Garrosh had already been killed and ended up
finishing as US 89th HC 10man. We regrouped and worked on our
roster for Warlords and finished US 27th in Highmaul.
What do we want to do?
To be among the first to clear content. We want to be competitive
in the next tier of content.
Who are we looking for?
Experience, attitude, and dedication. Hardcore high-end raiding
experience is an absolute necessity if you are looking to raid with
us. We need to share the same goals.
Raid Schedule
Sunday: 8pm - 12am EST
Monday: 8pm - 12am EST
Tuesday: 8pm - 12am EST
Wednesday: 8pm - 12am EST
Thursday: 8pm - 12am EST
Friday: off during farm
Saturday: off during farm
During the initial progression content of a new tier of raids,
expect to start earlier and end later then the listed times.
Loot Council - We view it as the most optimal way to gear up the
guild as a whole during progression.
We are requiring a minimum of 85% attendance. Most of our members
have maintained 95%+ attendance across their past guilds. You
should too!
If you think you have what it takes, visit http://www.teamavid.com
and fill out an application! Be thorough!
For any questions, contact opi#1162 or ono#1361