Guild Information:
- Battlegroup: Bloodlust (Battlegroup 9)
- Server: Ner'zhul-US (PvP); High Population; Pacific Standard
- Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday - 7:00pm - 11:00pm (Sometimes
<AHH> is looking for mature, dedicated players to fill
out a few open slots as we push into Mythics. If you have the
skill, experience, and desire to raid new content at a rapid pace,
consider checking us out.
If you apply you need to understand what core raiding is about, and
trying to progress on our own. We prefer if you have Vanilla
experience so you understand the horror of what raiding use to be
and are willing to put the same effort in with today's raiding. As
a full timer raider, our guild bank provides Flasks, Potions and
gems for new gear.
Guild Progression:
Highmaul Mythic [4/7]
Guild Contacts:
- If you have any questions, you can contact Fayth, Tinstaafl,
Snorzi in-game.
Of course, all players of exceptional skill should apply if we look
like the guild for you.