Church of RNG is a semi-hardcore Horde Guild on US-Cho'gall. The
core of our guild has been raiding together for several years. We
have accomplished such notable feats such as server first Ulduar 10
full Heroic, Server 4th Bane of the Fallen King, server 3rd Light
of Dawn, server 2nd Heroic Hallion 10.
We raid 2 nights a week: Tuesday 8-12(CST) and Wednesday 8-12(CST).
Invites go out at about 7:45(CST). Near 90% attendance is required
for a full-time spot in our raid.
Our ultimate goal is to kill bosses competitively. We value
competent players. Even if you do not see your class listed above
under recruitment or that your gear may be significantly lacking,
we will consider you.
If you have any immediate questions about our guild, please contact
Cornhoiio (Strugz#1903), Mang (Mang#1983), Darmar (Dar#1948),
Mielikkii (Bidderdoo#1629) or Ramadan (davejk#1541).