Highmaul: 7/7 N, 7/7 H, 2/7 M. Blackrock 7/10 N, 4/10 H
We are currently looking for new members for mythic content. Talk
with pantsmuppet or igmoon if you are interested in a spot.
** currently looking for a disc/shadow priest (that likes playing
both) **
also looking for quality range dps
The main group is done with normal (including future content), so
if you need that ... muppet show is not for you.
Your raiding experience is very important - ideally, a look at your
armory will show completion all of the current heroic content, and
of heroic/mythic raids in MoP/Cata/Wrath.
Your iLvl is also an issue - you should be ~665+
TMS is a less-small-than-it-once-was guild of (mostly) long-time
players that raid Monday and Wednesday, 7:30-11:30 server (CST). We
are somewhat above average at WoW, firmly in the upper 70%.
In fact, we often manage to kill bosses before they enrage.