Guild History and who we are:
NWO reloaded is a new guild on Draenor (EU), horde. We are a mature
guild for mature players, with a minimum age requirement of 18.
Most of our members are working adult gamers with professional and
family commitments, so we endeavor to use our game time as
effectively and efficiently as possible. Our members have a
high-degree of mutual respect for one another, and we maintain a
fun, relaxed environment that is conducive to team building and
high-end raiding.
The Guild Council comprises of members who have raided with each
other for well over a year. They comprise of players who have
played WOW since its dawn, in Vanilla right through out to today.
Highly skilled but approachable our core team enjoys no nonsense
progressive raiding, in a relaxed enviroment. This doesn't mean we
don't enjoy having a laugh. Infact we encourage all our members to
integrate socially into our guild through the forums and guild
events. While N W O RL has a leadership structure that is built
around several long-term members, every guild member is considered
and treated as an equal. All guild decisions are made by council
vote, and new members have the same voice and input as the veterans
do. Our goals are always based around improving our team ethos.
What we are not:
We are not a training guild. We expect every applicant to know
their class inside out. Although we go out of our way to help new
members integrate we expect each applicant to do their homework and
apply with the correct spec, reforging, gems and enchants and be
able to logically back up their decisions.
Raid times:
Wednesday:- 23:30 - 02:00
Thursday:- 23:30 - 02:00
Sunday:- 23:30 - 02:00
During progression content we expect all out members to be able to
attend at least 3/3 raids per reset. All times given are sever
Guild application process.
Please Visit Guild Site in order to submit an application. Our
homepage can be found at
1. Be 18 years old with a desire to join a focused community that
promotes team work.
2. Be ready to participate in 10 man PvE end game content with a
character that is appropiately geared, gemmed, enchanted and
3.Have an intricate knowledge of the class you play, and know how
to maximize your individual performance while contributing to a
4. Be mature and dependable while being relaxed and easy-going. We
are a serious group that likes to have fun. Above all be willing to
learn from mistakes and accept constructive criticism.
5. Be capable of following the raid leader’s instructions and be
flexible and open-minded when assigned specialized roles during
specific encounters. You need to recognize that we are a raid team
with the emphasis on team. All members will be treated with mutual
6. Be familiar with and abide by the N W O RL guild rules.
Application will be reviewed by the appropiate class leader or
officer. Should you be sucessful you will be invited for a trial.
The trial period can last upto 2 weeks depending on the impact of
your character and the individual behind that character. That said,
we can promote you to a raider rank should you impress with your in
game skills and the ability to become a team players as part of the
guild. If this sounds like the kind of raiding that interests you
please visit index.php to check our latest recruitment needs. We
will consider all exceptional applications regardless of
spec/class. Should you want to talk directly to one of the officers
in game (or via vent), contact Wíndstorm.
Currently recruiting all classes.