We're a semi hardcore guild, more on the casual side. We have a lot
of fun and seem to manage to down bosses in the process.
We started out with a handful of people from a dying guild. We
decided to create Ravenous and our guild has flourished ever since.
From the handful of people we started with, we invited their
friends and family and kept repeating that process with each of the
new members. We have very little drama, our core group is very
tightly knit and we have a ton of fun.
We have been known to take in stragglers looking for a home when
they come along asking for a guild invite. (If you have friends or
family in the guild, you are already automatically welcome with
Progression raid from 8-11pm server time (Tues. Weds. Thurs.) If
you'd like to join the guild to possibly raid or even just to have
somewhere to be, whisper Winter (GM) or one of the officers:
(Frostybones, Mcdrunkinton, Mugrot or Rahzal.) in the guild.
You can also reach an officer by using his realid: