2.7.2015 - Currently have a pretty strong raid roster with a
great atmosphere, just need a handful to fill out the bottom for
the BRF Mythic roster. Message myself or any Officer about more
We are a hardcore raiding guild that began in 2005 within World of
Warcraft. Independent of server, expansion and content we strive to
be among the best to play our game and have always succeeded in our
eyes. Typically ranked 1st to 3rd on the more competitive servers
available. Our raiding started in the early stages of World of
Warcraft, when Molten Core was still primary content. We were one
of the first guilds to down Ragnaros in the United States, and
spearheaded the loot council that is extremely popular today. We
have tried a variety of numerical systems from DKP, JDKP, IDKP,
Suicide Kings and the like and nothing had the impact loot council
did in terms of progressing the guild forward. Having loot
distribution be open and known devalues the impact of receiving a
piece as generally it is widely known who is getting which major
piece when it drops. It isn't always the case, but roughly 95% it
Our personality is one of our most attractive traits as it blends
very well with our progression. Early stages of progression are
more light hearted while we gauge the content. Once a rough idea of
the encounter is established, all jokes are thrown on hold and the
push to the top begins. Rinse. Repeat. It's a working balance that
allows room for entertainment while not stifling progression. If a
player does well within the raid consistently, he or she receives
the respect they deserve, creating a very competitive and fun
environment for even the worlds best players.
We are looking for players with a strong gaming background, both in
and out of the MMO setting. We believe the strongest mechanical
players come from the FPS or DOTA-esqe background, while the most
strategic have a solid RTS or MMO background. All are welcome. We
throw around a lot of dirt and it keeps everyone on their toes. So
being able to take criticism is an absolute must, in any context.
Our raid strategies tend to be a bit different than most and are
very adaptive to our current roster and play style. You will rarely
find cookie cutter first kills here.
We have recently returned to World of Warcraft from Wildstar, a
game which had great potential but fell considerably short due to
poor development choices. We were one of the top guilds on the
highest population raiding server, Pergo, and #20 or so USA. The
game was well designed but ultimately not sustainable with a
reasonable amount of time investment. It was a pretty enjoyable 4
months and we learned quite a bit, especially myself. Running a
cutting edge guild in a dying raiding population was a fresh strain
we really hadn't had to deal with before. But we persevered and
remained the last standing launch guild on Pergo until we walked
away to prepare for Warlords.
We were very successful in Wildstar and always have been within our
home, World of Warcraft. We are excited to bring the same passion
and drive back home with our best players over the last decade. We
look forward to seeing you online!
Raid Schedule
Monday - Thursday 8:30PM - 12:30PM EST. Occasional Sunday may
During progression you are expected to know the boss fights and
come more than prepared with flasks, food and potions. You must
be able to take criticism otherwise you will not last long
This is typically updated as much if not more than the website so
check the timestamp on the last update to see how current it is. If
your class is closed and you believe yourself to be exceptional
feel free to apply. We have recently opened up Private Applications
in the recruitment form so feel free to use that if you do not wish
your application to be public.
When you apply using the form, take your time and make your
application readable and make sense. Logs of some sort are a
requirement. We run a tight group with world parsing players and we
will need to know how you stand.
GM of Cue the Credits