Reach of Garona is a semi hard core guild that only raids two
nights a week. Our environment is light and entertaining but with a
two day raid schedule, we pull fast and get kills. We expect people
to be ready to raid 5-10 minutes before raid time starts and have a
basic understanding of the fights we are going to tackle via videos
or strategy guides.
We expect you to know your class and be able to perform well above
the average percentile marks as established by Formerly a top 400 US guild in SoO, we have a
extremely solid base of quality players. Due to some recent
transfers, we have a few potential openings for full time raid
positions for BRF content.
Please visit the Facebook page and post your battle tag to be
contacted, or add prenoob#1637, Burzurkur#1210.
Raids are
Tues- 6:00-10:00 CST
Thurs - 6:00-10:00 CST
- Subject to extending for progression content.
Thanks for considering Reach!