Arcturus is actively recruiting at this time. All
applications will be considered; Outstanding applications will be
prioritized. At the present time we are running 10 player raids
however we have in the past also run 25s and aspire to return to
doing so as our numbers increase in the future.
Arcturus employs a dynamic flexible weekly raid schedule.
Each week members (and recruits) submit their availability for
certain raid times for that particular week. Full raids are then
posted on the scheduling message board with the players listed
expected to show up and play their assigned role.
Weekday raids (Tuesday through Friday) start at 17:30
Server Time (PDT).
Saturday and Sunday raids start at 16:00 Server Time
Weekday Late Night raids may also be scheduled starting at
19:30 Server Time (PDT).
Note: Weekday raids typically last 3.5 hours while weekend raids
last 5 hours.
For further information on Guild guidelines and policies contact
our one of our officers (Aliengrey, Leilah, Peacelily, Stynger) or
check the message-board linked through on the Guild home page: