#method @quakenet
Shortened past guild achievement list:
Tier 16
-World 1st - Garrosh Hellscream (25H)
Tier 15
-World 1st - Ra-den (25H)
-World 1st - Lei Shen (25H)
Tier 14
- World 1st - Sha of Fear (25H)
- World 2nd - Grand Empress Shek'zeer (25H)
- World 1st - Will of the Emperor (25H)
Tier 12
- World 2nd - Ragnaros (25H)
- World 2nd - Majordomo (25H)
- World 1st - Baleroc (25H)
- World 3rd - Beth'tilac (25H)
Tier 11
- World 2nd - Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
- World 2nd - Nefarian (25H)
- World 2nd - Al'Akir (25H)
- World 2nd - Sinestra (25H)
- World 2nd - Ascendant Council (25H)
- World 1st - Magmaw (25H)
- World 1st - Atremedes (25H)
- World 1st - Chimaeron (25H)
- World 2nd - Maloriak (25H)
- World 2nd - Omnotron Defense System (25H)
- World 2nd - Conclave of Wind (25H)
- World 2nd - Halfus Wyrmbreaker (25H)
- World 2nd - Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25H)
- World 1st - He Feeds On Your Tears (25H)
- World 2nd - Glory of the Ulduar Raider(25H)
- World 2nd - Observed (25H)
- World 2nd - Unlock Algalon's Room (25H)
- World 3rd - Firefighter (25H)
- World 2nd - 3 x Knock on Wood (25H)
- World 2nd - I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (25H)
- World 2nd - Lose Your Illusion (25H)
- World 1st - The Twilight Zone (10H)
- World 3rd - Glory of the Raider (25H)
- World 2nd - Malygos (25H)
- World 2nd - Naxxramas (25H)
- World 2nd - Sartharion (25H)
- World 2nd - Kil'Jaeden
- World 2nd - Lady Vashj
Method recruitment is opened once again!
Method is always on the look out for the world’s best players and
exceptional applications of any class will be considered. Contact
officers ingame for more info.
What can Method offer you?
Raiding: Method gives you the opportunity to be among the first to
witness, participate in, and down new raid boss encounters. Method
provides equal opportunities for both old and new players, if you
prove yourself to be better than the other already existing members
of your respective class then you will take their spot regardless
of how long they have been in the guild.
While waiting for the next progress content Method multiple 25man
raids per reset giving you the opportunity to play and gear up alts
if you so please.
Stability: Method is a very stable guild - a large proportion of
the members within the guild have been in Method for years. The
same leadership that pushed Method through Molten Core remains in
place today. The guild community is close, everyone in the guild
knows why they are there and everyone shares the same goal, making
Method the leading guild. In over five years of raiding the amount
of members that have voluntarily left the guild to go elsewhere can
be counted on one hand, once you are in Method you won't want to
leave. Method is as stable as it gets.
Sociability: Being in Method allows you to meet and play with
people who want the same thing as you, progress on the bleeding
edge. We use ventrilo for every scheduled raid including farm
raids, which makes raiding a lot more enjoyable, it's not always so
serious! Ventrilo is not only used for raiding and throughout the
day you will find a large amount of Method members in the various
channels incase you get lonely! Outside of scheduled raiding there
is normally a lot going on with several players in the guild doing
arenas, playing alts, organising 10 mans, or just online
socialising. We also have a handful of players who like to play HoN
and SC2! Basically the guild is very active outside of raiding so
there is plenty to do.
What does Method demand from you?
Attendance: During progress our raiding schedule is demanding and
it is important you understand this. Our progress raids - that you
will be expected to attend - can start very early in the day and
end late at night. You must be prepared to sacrifice any real life
activities in order to ensure attendance.
Once current content is cleared we revert back to a relaxed 1900CET
raid start.
Dedication: You must possess a positive attitude towards raiding,
especially when it comes to progress raiding. You should be
prepared to do everything it takes to maximise your characters
effectiveness on the encounter(s). During progress raids you need
to be fully awake and focused - trying to understand and offer
feedback in regards to the encounter via ventrilo, in-game, or on
the forums. You must be mature and able to handle any criticism
directed your way.
Communication: World of Warcraft is a team game and communication
during a raid encounter is often very important. You will be
required to use Teamspeak during raids and should be able to
write/speak and understand English to a reasonable level.