Almost Skilled is on the very edge of the tier. Because of that,
we're opening up the recruitment already for WoD mythic
We started off as a guild with low geared players in early
february. Despite being five months late into the tier, we've
managed to climb up to blue world rank at
The atmosphere in the guild is highly motivated, respectful towards
one another and playful.
These three values pervades the entire core of the guild and we
like to keep it that way. Therefore, if you don't want to put the
time and effort into the game as the rest of the group, youre not
going to last long in Almost Skilled.
We raid 3 nights a week, 20:00-23:30. (server time) The raid nights
vary from week to week but never occur on a Friday or Saturday.
We are an exclusively Swedish guild, atleast in terms of speaking
and understanding Swedish.
If you don't understand the following - you're not suited for
raiding with us.
Vad vi förväntar oss av dig:
-En vilja att raida, du gör vad du kan för att förbättra ditt
gameplay i alla situationer.
-Lagspel, du agerar utifrån gruppens bästa intresse före dina
-Öppenhet, du lämnar inte gruppen mid-progress utan att meddela din
närmaste officer i god tid.
Vad du kan förvänta dig av oss:
-En vilja att raida, det är därför vi spelar spelet.
-Lagspel, du blir en del av gruppen, vi kommer att behandla dig som
-Öppenhet, vi talar om vad som gäller, när det gäller, i god
För mer Information kontakta någon av GM's/Officers
Eroin#2240 - Skrotdu
Melee DPS leader & raid leader.
Crayon#2338 - Cynical
Tank leader.
Shik#2411 - Réd
Healing leader & assisting raid leader.
Yohkz#2410 - Yoik
Ranged DPS leader.