Reincarnation is a small 10man raiding guild that encourages a
social environment whilst progressing through current progress
raids. We have been an active raiding guild since Wrath of the Lich
King, and our main core has been a stable and loyal group for five
years. We're extremely close as a guild and encourage a friendly
Our goal is to down all bosses on normal and heroic difficulties in
the current tier raids and if we have time left over, we move onto
mythic and progress there too.
So far, we have completed that goal for both Wrath of the Lich
King, Cataclysm and MoP with heroic progress in all tiers.
We're now aiming to progress through WoD raids and continue our
Please direct any enquiries in-game to Guatanya (GM) or our
officers Oogway, Naerdriel and Beledora.