***Downfall*** recruiting DPS / Healers for Mythic Raid
<Downfall> (alliance) is looking for talented raiders to join
us in our quest to clear Mythic raid content as quickly as
possible. We are a semi-hardcore raid; while we do not have the
schedule or multiple alt requirments of a hardcore raid, we do take
our time very seriously. We start promptly at 9pm EST and we expect
our raiders to be extremely skilled at their class. We are in need
for full-time raiders. We are not recruiting for bench-sitters, if
you are excellent at your class, and are an asset to our raid
you’re going to be invited and you’re going to see play time.
Raid times: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9pm EST – Midnight
While we will consider extremely talented DPS / Hybrid DPS-Healers
of all classes we do have some specific needs. Those needs
Highest need:
-Shadow Priest (optimally with a healing offspec)
-Boomkin (optimally with healing offspec)
-Resto Shaman
-Resto Druid
-WW Monk
-Ret Paladin
Also being considered:
-Elemental Shaman (optimally with healing offspec)
How to Apply:
First, we’d like to talk with you in Mumble. To arrange such a
chat, contact one of these people in game: Traziemykel, Ataraxia,
Scaron, or Painhax.
After that point, we’ll probably invite you to do a raid tryout or
two. (Exceptions may be made for players who are able to provide
strong evidence of their WoD performance via logs if those players
are not currently on a realm connected to ours).
After tryouts, if we’ve made a love connection, you’ll be able to
finish the application and guild joining process at our website:
About <Downfall>:
We have been around on Gorgonnash-US (connected to Alterac
Mountains, Balnazzar, The Forgotten Coast, and Warsong) since 2004
and have raided end-game content successfully since that time. We
have multiple mythic raid groups, a growing PVP group, and most
importantly a strong community of people who like each other and
value our little community a great deal.
The raid you would be joining is a progression-focused raid. Our
main goal is to kill bosses quickly. When we raid, we get down to
business. We utilize a loot council to distribute loot in order to
optimize raid (not personal) dps.
A few other points:
- Most of us are grown ups. We are made up of teachers, college
professors, law students, college students, business people,
parents. We’re looking for more grown ups. Grown-ups who like
killing Internet dragons are cool.
- Homophobes, racists, and other dickheads need not apply.