Our raid times (based on server time):
Saturday 15:00 to 19:00
Sunday 14:00 to 18:00
We never extend beyond this raiding schedule.
Exceptional players who feel like they can complement our quality
of raiding are encouraged to apply regardless of class/spec.
What we are looking for in you as a player:
▫ You love raiding and want to progress in Mythic mode.
▫ You're an independent and communicative player (that means you
actively prepare yourself for new encounters, usually know about
things and ask when you don't).
▫ Raiding experience and skills (apply elsewhere if you have little
raiding experience. Despite the casual schedule we're not a guild
for beginners).
▫ Near 100% attendance is expected.
▫ Your English is good enough for clear communication.
▫ You have a stable connection.
▫ Actively speaking on Ventrilo is a big plus. Being able to listen
to Ventrilo is required.
How to join?
Details are available on our website - www.gt-guild.com/forum
T17M progress:
▫ 7/7 Highmaul
If you need to contact us in game, please do so when we are not
raiding. Whispers during raid times will most likely be ignored.
You can contact us via:
▫ In-game mail or chat
▫ Private message on our guild's forum -
Contacts: Reprieve, Tywien, Natubob & Floody.