Recruitment is currently closed for our raids. We are
currently progressing through Highmaul Heroic and looking to gear
for Mythic content.
Valhall is a friendly guild that has been around one way or another
in many different MMO’s for the past 12 years. All of our raiders
were at one point hardcore or very hardcore players who no longer
wish to do 6 or 7 raids a week but instead are looking for a fun
and social raid experience. As a result Valhall can offer you the
unique chance to raid with the best players in a rather casual
For further recruitment and guild information please visit our
forums at the specified address or talk to Azulá, Abbey, Silverfell
or Senjumaru in-game. In the case those characters happens to be
offline, feel free to drop us an in-game mail, we will come back to
you as soon as possible.