<Ladies Only>
All exceptional players are encouraged to apply even if your
class is not listed.
Raiding Schedule During Progression:
10pm-1am EST Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9pm-1am EST Sunday
7/7 - Mythic: Highmaul 20m
14/14 - Heroic: Siege of Orgrimmar 25m
14/14 - Heroic: Siege of Orgrimmar 10m
13/13 - Heroic: Throne of Thunder 10m
Ladies Only is a US Top 50 Mythic progression guild on US-Area 52.
Formed mid-way through Throne of Thunder and impressively finishing
in the top 300 in the US for the tier with only raiding together
for less than a few months. Since then we have aggressively moved
through the US ranks achieving a #67 Kill on Blackfuse and
Paragons. Quickly followed by a US #36 kill on Garrosh. We are not
in the habit of recruiting for the bench and expect all of our
raiders to show up for raid days or allow for adequate time before
hand to find a replacement. All raiders are expected to have a
wealth of knowledge of their class and progression fights. We use a
loot council system to distribute items based on role, performance,
attendance and stat priority in order to remain competitive on a
limited schedule.
20 man Mythic:
US 49th Imperator Mar'gok
Past 25man Heroic Achievements:
-Heroic: Garrosh Hellscream - US #83
Past 10man Heroic Achievements:
-Heroic: Garrosh Hellscream - US #36
-Heroic: Paragons of Klaxxi - US #67
-Heroic: Siegecrafter Blackfuse - US #67
-Heroic: Ra-Den - US #268
-Heroic: Lei Shen - US #295
Please send all recruitment applications to our website.
For any questions you may have about us feel free to add
Creepur#1698(Creapur) or Bigsizzler#1505(Keydrah) to your