Faction - Alliance
Difficulty - 20man Mythic
Raid Times - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 8:45pm to 12
midnight (EST)
Loot System - EPGP
About us
Achievement started mythic Warlords raiding with a strong showing
of world 96 on Mythic Kargath Bladefist - and we are looking to
continue that momentum through the rest of the expansion.
If you are a mature-minded and competent player, that likes to
bring your best to every raid - we'd love to hear from you. We
bring to the table an excellent group of similarly minded players
that have been together for many years and understand how to run a
successful 20 man team, within a friendly yet serious raiding
Recruitment Needs @ Jan.25.2015
DPS - druid (boom)
DPS - shammy (enhance)
More about us
We are a very social guild with an extremely active and large
player base. Our activities extend to top rated challenge mode
runs, pet battle competitions, achievement runs ( of course ),
hearthstone tournaments, and a lot more.
Website & Application