Hi there and thanks for spending your time on our profile page!
We are a bunch of old school gamers from all over Europe who team
up in several online games.
Many of our members have extensive gaming and game leading
experience, as well as years of knowledge about guild/clan
Most importantly most of us have been friends for almost a decade
and have kept in contact all these years through multiple online
With Mythic Raiding in the upcoming Warlords of Draenor expansion
in mind, we are currently
looking for members to join us in World of Warcraft. We are looking
for mature players who are interested in playing in a laid back
atmosphere but with progress in mind.
We keep raids short and relaxed (max 3 hours, no DKP, loot
distributed on a greater-good basis).
We raid on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Monday from 20:00 till
23:00 server time.
Find out more at http://joemightywashere.com