*** Update: Our WoD roster is looking very strong! We are
now only accepting exceptional players and
backups/alternates. If you feel like you have what it takes,
please apply! ***
About Us: We have been around since the Summer of 2008,
starting out on Darrowmere-US and transferring to Malorne-US after
the conversion of Darrowmere to PvE. We have a very low turnover in
membership. People who fit in with us, tend to stay for long
periods of time. We try to run frequent alt-runs. In Warlords of
Draenor (WoD), we will be focusing on Mythic content.
Raid Times and Progression:
Our WoD raid schedule is: Tues/Wed/Thurs from 6pm-10pm PST.
Loot Distribution: Need/Greed/Pass in-game system. Need for
MS, Greed for OS, pass otherwise or to others when it would be in
the best interest of the team. Be smart - we do not tolerate loot
What we are looking for:
Looking for any and all willing, able-bodied applicants to join us
for 20-man MYTHIC RAIDING! Versatility is always a plus, but if you
have any specific questions don't be afraid to whisper or mail
Moi/Dk, Shmadu/Shmudu, or Mick/Mickfiler in-game.
We are always looking for players that are unable to commit to a
weekly raid but are willing to fill-in when ever they can
and are needed. You must still be able to maintain
performance requirements and keep your character relatively
What we expect out of you: You should be capable of putting
out numbers that are competitive with our current raiders and have
a good understanding of your class utility in a raiding
What you can expect out of us: We do not recruit to bench
people. We will look to get you into our raids ASAP so that we can
get a feel for you, and you can get a feel for us. Once we have
come to an agreement that we are both happy with one another, you
will be given a raid spot that will be up to you to keep through
attendance and performance requirements. This period of acclimation
will hopefully be very short - usually 2 weeks. You can expect to
roll on gear that nobody else needs immediately, and to roll as an
equal as soon as the probationary period is over.
How to contact us: You can apply via our website
If you have any further questions please contact Moi/Dk,
Shmadu/Shmudu, or Mick/Mickfiler in-game.