Welcome to Status, a Horde World of Warcraft guild in
Status was created the 8th of September of 2009. It consists mainly
of old Nostalgia and Control members that decided to take a step
forward into competitive gaming. Core members of our guild come
with hardcore raiding experience from Vanilla (Naxx40) and TBC
(Sunwell). Cataclysm shattered our player base,. Today, we are
ready to show to the world what 25 experienced players are capable
of, are you?
We currently raid only 11 hours a week, split over 3 days.
Through this we managed to have great progress having our real
lives affected as little as possible.
Are you up to the challenge?
<< Cataclysm >>
Throne of Four Winds
- 2/2
Bastion of Twilight
- 5/5
Blackwing Descent
- 6/6 - Nefarian is down!!
- Argaloth 1/1
<< WotLK Cleared >>
Ruby Sanctum
-25 Man Progress
Halion Heroic 1/1 - Realm 1st
-10 Man Progress
Halion Heroic 1/1 - Realm 1st, World 47th
Icecrown Citadel
-25 Man Progress
ICC Heroic 12/12 - REALM FIRST
-10 Man Progress
ICC Heroic 12/12
Trial of the Crusader
-25 Man Progress
ToGC - Insanity
ToGC 5/5
ToC 5/5
-10 Man Progress
ToGC - Dedicated Insanity - Realm 1st
ToGC 5/5
ToC 5/5
EW&F 10 Man - Realm 1st
-25 Man Progress
GotU 25 Man - Obtained
Ulduar 25 HM 9/9
Ulduar 14/14
-10 Man Progress
Yogg 0 Keepers - Down
Algalon 10 - Herald of the Titans
Algalon 10 - Down
GotU 10 Man - Obtained
Ulduar 10 HM 9/9
Ulduar 14/14
Wotlk Opening
GotR 10 Man - Obtained
Obsidian Sanctum 1d,2d,3d - Cleared
Eye of Eternity - Cleared
Naxxramas - Cleared
Currently recruiting:
Actively looking for:
- *check above*
If you are truly extraordinary, dont be scared to fill out an
application. We read through (and consider) all of them. We always
welcome exceptional applicants, however most classes are already
crowded. In many cases you will be fighting to create a spot and
not to fill one.