--Weekend Warrior--
Weekend Warrior is a weekend 10m raiding guild on A-Dragonmaw(US)
that is looking for more exceptional PvPers for Rated
battlegrounds. We are currrently in search for a RBG healer for
Originally established as a pre-made for people who either didn't
have enough time to raid more than one or two days a week and alts
for raiding on ToC and ICC, We finished Wrath with 11/12 Hardmode
in 25mans and HLK 25 down to about 40%+ in our best attempts.
Upon establishment as a 10 man guild in Cataclysm, we have quickly
progressed into one of the top alliance guilds on our server, and
we will continue to strive to be the best we can be with our
consistency, great communication, and generally have fun in
whatever we do. We finished patch 4.2 with 6/7 HM bosses down and
are currently 8/8 Heroic in Dragonsoul.
--Raid Times--
We raid Friday and Saturday Nights from 6PM-10PM server time(PST).
Occasionally, we will use Sunday for further progression or
cleaning up, as well as alt runs. Please show up for raid invites
at 5.30pm. The sooner we can start, the more we can progress.
--Needed Roles--