<Envy Gaming>
About Us
Envy Gaming is about combining two simple tenets: progression and
personality. Our goal is to make a guild and create a community
that you want to stay in. We have a tight raiding schedule of three
days a week and we try to raid efficiently on those days. The guild
bank provides all essential raiding materials from enchants to
flasks. Despite running a tight schedule, we like to keep a very
light atmosphere in vent while simultaneously getting things done.
If you’re interested in joining this guild for just the business
side of things, we won’t turn you away, but you’ll be missing what
separates us from everyone else.
1. Attendance
- We raid three nights a week and expect near 100% attendance
2. Performance
- We expect you to understand your class and push its mechanics to
the limit
3. Constructive Criticism
- While we tend to keep a light atmosphere, we need you to be able
to handle criticism
Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday
8:30pm-11:30pm EST
Invites start at 8:00pm EST
Loot System
Our loot system is based on loot council which heavily favors
attendance and performance.
Please whisper one of the Leaders for further information.
GM, Didrik (gnarkilla#1249)
Co-GM, Kiliens (skeez#1465)
Co-GM, Kurious (valad#1329)
Officer, Moardotzs
Officer, Ksup (ksup#1791)