<Unity> are recruiting. We aim to clear all content in a
timely manner without aiming to achieve any particular server rank
or boss speed kills.
Whilst we aren't aiming to be the best, we don't want to repeatedly
wipe over and over due to the same mistakes. Therefore we are
looking for skilled players who learn from the mistakes of others
as well as their own mistakes, and aim to constantly improve their
personal level of play.
What we want from you:
Mythic raid experience
Reliable attendance
Good attitude
The gear to come in and compete and be useful to progression (670+
Good general game and class knowledge
What we can offer you: A relaxed and friendly environment conducive
to enjoyable raiding experiences and building friendships. An
opportunity to play at the highest level, achieving steady progress
without having to commit copious amounts of time to the game.
Raids are Thursday/Sunday/Monday 20:00-00:00 server time. We are
using TS3 voice communications. (Working mic is mandatory).
Visit unityravencrest.shivtr.com for more information or to apply
and feel free to whisper an officer (Kaeir, Ecolove, Jámbii) in
game for any specific questions :)
Thank you for reading, we hope you consider applying to join
<Unity> :)