Updated 2/9/2015
Current Needs (I'll put this first because it is a lot of what
people are interested in knowing)
6th Healer: Resto Druid, Holy Priest, Holy Paladin, or Mistweaver
If you are an exceptional player who cannot make the hustle and
bustle of a 4, 5, or even 6 night/week raiding guild, this is the
place for you. Exceptional applicants will be considered regardless
of current needs.
Guild Information
Server - Mal'Ganis(US) - PVP - Chicago Server Cluster
Raid Times:
Tuesday 9-1 EST
Thursday 9-1 EST
Sunday 9-1 EST
We have cleared all content since the release of Wrath of the Lich
King while it was still relevant.
OBSCURE REFERENCE was formed as a 10 man raiding guild a month
before the Wrath of the Lich King expansion was released. The guild
was built into a 25 man raiding guild, and since that point we have
added spectacular players that have allowed for strong progression
moving into current content. We keep up in progression despite
raiding a short week. This is because of the dedication and talent
of those involved.
We have many players who have raided in top guilds, and just could
not keep up with the schedule and also balance their real lives. If
this sounds like something you would be interested in, please
contact us.
What We Expect of You
Applicants are expected to have gear appropriate to the content we
are clearing. Applicants are expected to have extensive knowledge
of their class. Applicants are expected to be prepared for short
amounts of raid time during their trial.
If you would like to discuss applying to OBSCURE REFERENCE and you
meet the above criterion, you can contact Foulbbqfeign, Cpz,
Monkeymonk or Germinate in game or look on our website
Thank you for your time and consideration.