Nightmare Asylum was assembled during Dragon Soul before the
release of Patch 5.0
Notable Mists of Pandaria 10-Man Raiding
Tier 16 Rank: #1 US / World 15th.
Tier 15 Rank: #1 US / World 10th.
Tier 14 Rank: #2 US / World 21st.
US 1st 10M Heroic Garrosh Hellscream
US 1st 10M Heroic Fallen Protectors
US 1st 10M Ra-den
US 1st 10M Heroic Lei Shen
US 1st 10M Heroic Twin Consorts
US 1st 10M Heroic Iron Qon
US 1st 10M Heroic Council of Elders
US 1st 10M Heroic Tsulong
US 2nd 10M Heroic Sha of Pride
US 2nd 10M Heroic Norushen
US 2nd 10M Heroic Immerseus
US 2nd 10M Heroic Dark Animus
US 2nd 10M Heroic Megaera
US 2nd 10M Heroic Jin'rokh
US 2nd 10M Heroic Grand Empress Shek'zeer
US 4th 10M Heroic Sha of Fear
Current Recruitment Needs:
Ranged DPS
We are always accepting applications for exceptional players of
any class. Even if your role is not listed above, that does not
rule out the chances of you being offered a trial. If you are the
best player in your current guild and want meaningful change, throw
up an application on our site!
Am I good enough to join Nightmare Asylum?
It's natural to be insecure about your own performance. While
NA expects high levels of play from its members, we are also
not an by any stretch of the imagination a guild full of
elitists. We also readily recognize that not all great
players come from great guilds. People who show dedication and
good logs for their gear level are always proper candidates to
become longtime loyal members. We are some of the most
genuine and kind players in the hardcore raiding
scene and will treat applicants with respect. Never let your
own humility discourage you from throwing up an app on our
Given the recent announcement of a flat 20-Man raiding team, we are
dedicated to making the transition to Mythic Raiding going
into the Warlords of Draenor expansion set. After our
success in Mists of Pandaria we are determined to take it to
the next level and compete on the world stage as much as possible.
We believe our rankings speak for themselves and we are ready to
compete at an even higher level. Think of these past three tiers as
an experiment, and the next expansion's raiding tiers as the main
event. Our intention is to increase time spent in the raid instance
in a meaningful way for the next expansion's raiding tiers in order
to compete with guilds across the globe. Sound like something you
want to be a part of? Then continue reading my friend.
About Us:
We are a former ten-man guild that is comprised of a tightly-knit
group of eclectic individuals. We take gaming seriously, and we all
push ourselves to compete for our personal best. As long as you are
performing up to our standards, our raiding environment is fun and
positive, while always remaining disciplined during hard mode
progression. Respect in all its forms is something we value, and it
leads us to work together as a team and down bosses at a reasonable
pace. Much more information about our guild than can be listed on
WoWProgress can be found on our website via the application
About You:
You should be skilled, dedicated, and willing to challenge and
better yourself under any circumstances. We're looking for someone
who is going to be in it for the long haul, someone who is vocal,
and someone who doesn't have a problem sitting on a fight if it is
needed. We are particularly interested in people who are highly
motivated and do not need to be told to do something before
acting themselves. You become extremely valuable to us as a
player if you have multiple alts and understand how to play them at
a high level.
If you get offended very easily or don't respond well to criticism
then this is not the guild for you. We also expect that your skill
will be up to par with any of our other current raiders. We
encourage competitiveness and you should drive yourself to become
more efficient at adapting to any fight or any role. We're
constantly striving to be the best and so should you.
Some notable information:
Progression raiding is seven days each week from the hours of
7:00PM - 12:00AM CST. Farm content is 1-2 days per
week. We use an unbiased Loot Council system which is designed
to fuel progression. Much more information about how we
operate is readily available on our Recruitment Section
found on our website, so please feel free to investigate yourself
and read up on our guild.
Interested? Visit our website @ to
Feel free to contact Gligz, Zarastro, or Tenebear ingame if you
have any further questions.