Hello potential applicants!
Blue Label is an end game raiding guild that has been around since
the Burning Crusade and has been going strong since Wrath. We are
now focused on progressing through the Mists of Pandaria as fast as
we can while having fun doing so. Now to keep up pace we are
required to pick up a few more raiders to fill our ranks.
What we expect from you;
- Attendance
- Stable net/Computer
- Attitude
- Knowledge and Skill of the spec you are applying as. (Bonus for
different specs)
What you would expect from us;
- Progression without raiding 24/7
- A good social group both in and outside of raid times
- Positive criticism
- Fun
Our raid times are 4 nights of 3.5 hrs of raiding per week with
invites starting at 720ST.
7:30pm to 11pm (GMT+10) on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and
The classes above are the classes we are currently recruiting.
All exceptional applications will be considered.
Our guild website can be found below this post, check it out! If
you have any further questions feel free to pst Hanul(hanul#6440)
ingame or add Naixia on btag (Naixia#1121) if you're on another
Good Luck to all applicants!