*Any class will be considered regardless of current recruitment
Immediate class needs(As of 2/6/15):
-Windwalker Monk - High
-Enhance Shaman - High
-Death Knight DPS - High
-Warlock - High
-Mage - High
-Feral Druid - High
-Warrior DPS - High
-Shadow Priest - High
-Resto Druid - High
-Balance Druid - Medium
-Any qualified tank - Medium
-All Healers except: Pally - High
About us
We're a hardcore progression guild on the high pop realm Sargeras
(PvP). Our group comp is made up with a mixed bag of motivated
individuals, from people who have little past heroic experience,
but can consistently demonstrate their raid readiness, to former
top 30 US raiders. We’re brought together by the goal of completely
clearing content before any significant nerfs, while pushing the
progression at a competitive pace, in a fun and focused raid
environment. Which then allows us to enjoy a relaxed schedule for
the remainder of the tier during farm.
Since our guild's creation on March 19th, our priority was to
successfully transition from a casual 25man guild, to a hardcore
10man by killing Heroic Garrosh in a relatively short amount of
time. On April 29th, we completed that goal, and established
ourselves as a competitive progression guild on Sargeras. We're
looking to continue that trend by fighting for top realm kills, as
well as firmly establishing ourselves in the raid community by
competing for top US rankings.
Our Philosophy:
Our definition of hardcore raiding involves making the most out of
our shared raid time. It is up to each member to come completely
prepared for the next progression fight we're working on. This
involves high communication and activity on our guild website. As
well as self-analysis of logs. Members are expected to be highly
self-motivated, and willing to find out the latest theorycraft data
on their class. You should always be pushing yourself to improve
with each opportunity to raid, and to never be satisfied with your
own performance.
Our members are also asked to maintain at least one alt that covers
the same roll as your main, and that you’re able to perform at the
same level of your main.
What we offer you
• A team that can consistently clear all Mythic content.
• A fun, competitive, and positive raid environment.
• An active community in, and outside of WoW raiding.
• Alt raiding
• Flasks, potions, repairs, and food buffs provided
• Opportunities for high ranked PvP
*Faction and realm transfer fees can be covered by the guild on
a case by case basis.
Plans for Warlords of Draenor:
We will be front lining our progression for each new tier of
content as it’s released. This means we will be raiding the maximum
amount of hours the raid is capable of doing, in order to complete
the tier. Coordination during and after the raid (in the form of
forum discussion/raid and log analysis) will be expected of
everyone. This will allow us to quickly transition to a relaxed
raid schedule with minimum raid days until the next progression
tier is released.
Raid Schedule (During progression only):
Sunday-Thursday 7:30pm-11:30pm Realm time(CST)
We don't schedule mandatory raids on Friday, or Saturday.
Officer Contact
Xeii – Officer/Raid Leader
• Xeii#1542
Eko - Officer/Recruitment
• Eko#1423
Xakoto - Recruitment Officer
• MistbornMonk#1453
If you're interested and wish to learn more about us feel free to
check out our website, our members stream consistently during
raids, and our kill videos can be found here as well. Please feel
free to apply also.