<ILLUMINATUS> is a large 10 man casual progression raiding
guild on the Horde side of the Shandris-US server.
We are a mature (18+ only), family oriented group that supports
casuals/alts. We are experienced players that appreciate having fun
while progressing through current end raiding content. We have the
highest expectations of ourselves (and of our guildmates) to
understand our toons, execute strategy and are serious when called
upon to defeat whatever the game throws at us.
Most of our members are either professionals or military adults
with families and have employment commitments. We do not /gkick for
those military going on deployment. Please let one of our Officers
know ahead of time so they can put you in the "ON DEPLOYMENT"
status. Stay safe out there.
Our raid team runs Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8pm - 11pm
- Achievement/Mount/Alt runs are scheduled during off progression
times (normally Saturday evenings).
We are currently not recruiting for raid spots. If interested in
joining for a social aspect... please see our website or PST one of
our Officers in game for more info about joining us! Thank you.
GM: Thanatoss
Officers: Asbestos, Helpfuldeath, Julip, Kyle, NPH, Schio,
Moogyver & Webehuntin
Raid leaders: Cosmodru & Xallion
ABOUT OUR SERVER: Shandris-US is a medium population PVE
east coast server that opened on Jan 4th, 2007, just prior to "The
Burning Crusade" release. We merged with PVE west coast server
Bronzebeard-US on Jan 6th, 2013.
OUR HISTORY: <ILLUMINATUS> was formed on March 23,
2010 from the ashes of the now defunct <Methods of
Destruction> guild by our founder and former GM Parkerr. Other
known founding members that signed the Illumni charter are
Sovereignn, Rary, Julip, Dakkurn, Xallion, Helpfuldeath, ßellaève
and Xsall.
<ILLUMINATUS> holds the achievement for "Realm-First" Level
25 guild, earned on April 5, 2011.
Thank you for everything you have done to get this guild going
Parkerr, we all wish you the very best in everything RL throws your
way. We carry the Illumni banner onward in your honor Sir.
Lok'tar Ogar!