Exceptional applications will always be considered.
About Us:
We are a 20-man Mythic Alliance raiding guild based on
Silvermoon-EU, our server is one of the leading realms in terms of
raiding progression and population. We are a guild whose core
formed from Seraphic, a 25 man raiding guild on the server that
downsized due to in-guild drama. As such the guild has very limited
tolerance for any issues between members that affect the raid team.
Our members have a tradition of clearing available PvE content with
a reasonable time frame and always aim to be competitive on our
server. We pride ourselves on having a fun atmosphere where raiding
is enjoyable but also professional. We want to ensure our members
spend their time playing in a friendly environment but can rely on
each other for success in raids.
Raiding Schedule:
We raid 3 days per week; Thursday, Sunday and Monday, from
20:30-23:15 server time.
What you can expect from us:
We offer a professional but relaxed raiding atmosphere where you
won't burn out.
We are a group of skilled raiders who enjoy seeking progression in
PvE raiding.
Our members are sociable players and enjoy raiding old content,
doing challenge mode, achievement runs and alts runs wherever
A semi-hardcore raiding guild whose aim is to become one of the top
guilds on the realm for the amount of time we raid.
What we expect from you:
Speaking English and understanding it is a must. We expect players
to communicate and being vocal is a plus. We use teamspeak.
We expect you to be a quick learner, we learn and execute fights
swiftly. We focus on quality from our raid members and intend on
not wiping needlessly.
Time is a crucial thing in our raids. We strive to push content
quickly on trash and bosses so being lazy on corpse runs and
general slacking is not tolerated.
We use our forums as a form of discussion especially when it comes
round to tactics. We expect our members to contribute to these
discussions and reading/watching guides to know exactly what to do
on new bosses.
Have a sense of humour and will to establish yourself amongst our
community. The social aspect of our guild is really strong and were
frequently doing things together so you can expect to see people
online at all hours of the day.
Have strong attendance and coming to raids fully prepared, we do
not bring people who know little about their class.
Being able to take constructive criticism is always welcome, and
self-progression is always a strong character trait for us.
If you're interested in raiding with us please fill out the
application form on our website.