We are always accepting applications for exceptional players of any
class. If you believe you would be a good fit for Carried but you
do not see your class listed, still apply as we are always
recruiting skilled players.
Raid Times:
Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30-12 EST.
About Us:
*Carried* (US-Grizzly Hills) was established at the end of Cata to
focus on progression raiding while maintaining a fun and relaxed
environment. We always have something going on off raid nights,
such as alt runs (Saturday at 9:00 EST), mount runs, challenge
modes and achievements.
Contact Us:
Co-GM Rudamun (Realid Neferefre #1241)
Co-GM Nyxxie (Realid Nix#1864)
Officer Vvie (Realid Vvie#1181)
Officer Wazzle (Realid Wazzle#1887)