Mature 20man raiding guild, One of the oldest guilds on Silvermoon
transferred from Terenas in 2008, we are a 21+ years old guild to
maintain a common state of mind.
Mythic 20man raiding .
We aim to clear mythic content with 9 hours / week of raiding.
Raid Days:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 20:15-23:30 (8.15pm-11.30pm)
* Optional normal runs for achievements / alts: Sat 14:00-16:30
* Optional extra day to get a kill/Alt/Old content runs Sun
* Highly skilled players that are looking for a home.
What we expect of you:
- 100% attandance, and giving us notice when something special pops
- Know your class and all your specs inside out
- Be a mature respectful social team player
- Dont worry about loot trust us to be fair
- Know how to have fun
- Have a strong PC with a good connection
- Teamspeak 3, a working Mic, we expect you to talk
What you can expect from us:
- Good progress
- Experienced raid leading
- Fun casual atmosphere raiding
- Maintain an active real life while seeing end game content
Invites start at 20:10 (8:10pm)
All "server time" which:means CET.
[U]For further information or applying visit our website :
If you have any questions feel free to contact us ingame:
Peritus (Zohan)
Jeniawarlord (Zen master)
Ingenious (Guru)
Numzen (Task Master)
Leafal (Only if you want to get bitten)
We are looking forward to hear from you!