Amplify (previously known as Predominant), currently 5/7
Mythic, is recruiting excellent raiders to join our mythic team! We
are looking for skilled and dedicated raiders to join our ranks in
a fast-paced and competitive raid environment. Our team is a
tight-knit group of people who love to joke around, but we also
know how to be serious when the time calls for it. We are
definitely an 18+ guild, and expect any applicants to be mature and
ACHIEVEMENTS: Although we are a relatively new guild, we
achieved server first Garrosh 10m heroic, as well as 14/14 25m
heroic Siege of Orgrimmar pre-6.0 mythic nerf. We are also
currently 5/7 Mythic progression in Highmaul.
RAID SCHEDULE: Our progression raid schedule consists of
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8pm-12am server time (CST).
We also have optional raid nights on other days of the week
depending on interest, but these are not required. Applicants MUST
be able to make the progression raid nights, no exceptions. We need
someone we can count on and missing progression nights is not
Boomkin - HIGH
Rogue - HIGH
Enhance Shaman - HIGH
Feral Druid - HIGH
Hunter - Medium
Warlock - Medium
Mage - Medium
Elemental Shaman - Medium
Shadow Priest - Medium
Ret Paladin - Medium
Resto Shaman - low
Disc/Holy Priest - low
Holy Paladin - low
UH/Frost Death Knight - low
Fury/Arms Warrior - low
Aside from the specific class recruitment, we are always looking to
recruit excellent raiders. If you are competitive, dedicated, and
love working with a team to kill current raid content then you'd be
a perfect fit for Amplify! If interested, please visit our website or you can contact Sketchfactor (Sketch#1897) or
Basedd (Based#1964) in game.