Welcome guest,
Omnicide-Ravencrest EU is a semi-hardcore guild and our goal is to
progress into end game Mythic content, while keeping a friendly
atmosphere in our raids.If you are interested in joining our
community and raiding with us, take a look at our guild rules in
our website and don't hesitate to apply.
Recruitment Status :
We are currently searching for players interested for mythic
In high need of healers ( monk/priest/paladin preferred ) and
lock/monk ww.
Exceptional applications are always welcome.
Raiding Schedule :
Wednesday: Blackrock Foundry hc
Thursday: Blackrock Foundry hc continuation
Monday: Blackrock Foundry hc continuation 2
**Raiding hours : 20:00 - 00:00 Server Time
Website: http://omnicide-guild.enjin.com/