Cursed Crusade is a friendly guild that runs current content raids
with a RBG team and several semi-hardcore PvP players running
arenas. No matter what kind of content you prefer, there is no
doubt someone in Cursed Crusade that enjoys it as well, and won't
mind grouping up.
Our main raiding team runs mostly normal mode content of the latest
patch, but are also inclined to run older heroic content. The main
team raids on thusdays and sundays from 20.30RT to 23.00RT. We also
have a 2nd raid team, which raids on wednesdays and fridays. On
occassion this runs late if the entire raid is in agreement.
Rated battlegrounds are run on tuesday evenings. This is a
relatively new activity in Cursed Crusade, but one that is enjoyed
by many. For Arenateams you'll only need to ask in guildchat,
there's likely to be someone online that is interested in 2v2, 3v3
or even 5v5. We also enjoy dominating old world PvP like
Wintergrasp and Tol Barad.
We are always looking for new people to join our little band of
misfis. If you are interested in joining Cursed Crusade, please
apply at or send a whisper to:
Wodâr, Nathaira, Kalthor, Magorite, Soupkitchen or Atrineas.