Rock Paper Scissors is a semi-hardcore guild that raids two nights
a week (Thursday 20:00-00:00 and Sunday 19:00-00:00). Our
goal is to provide a hardcore raiding environment on a casual
What classes do you need?
We’re recruiting the player and not the class, so recruitment is
always open for every class. We want you to play a role you will
enjoy and excel at. We bring the best people for progress and if
you outperform the competition you will get a spot.
What is the minimum item level required to join?
Having good gear is a plus, but not a requirement. Of course, we do
prefer people that can step in at our current progress level and
expect an exceptionally strong application from people that can’t
do that because of their gear.
What is the minimum raiding experience I need?
When we evaluate someones raiding experience we look further than
just the current tier. What we like to see is people that have done
serious raiding over a longer period of time without taking breaks
every other month (of course, it is fine if you have taken one or
two breaks if you have been playing this game for years).
Will I get a stable spot?
That is entirely up to you. We bring the best people for a fight
based on their performance and reliability. Only officers and
council members have fixed spots for logistical reasons. Everyone,
including veteran members, has to earn their place. You don’t have
to worry about getting invited to raids if you are a reliable
player with excellent performance and communication.
Do I have to make an application?
If you’re asking this question we’re probably not the right guild
for you. We recruit people for the long run and if you’re going to
raid hundreds of hours with a guild it doesn’t seem like a bad
trade off to spend an hour or more on writing a good
In no particular order:
good communication, both in-game and on Mumble (a microphone
and good communication skills in English are required); the ability
to write a clear and convincing application is a good indicator in
this regard,
a certain level of maturity when it comes to dealing with
criticism and comments from other players,
as close to 100% attendance as possible, since we only raid two
nights a week and don’t want to recruit for the bench,
the ability to maintain a reasonable level of focus for the
full duration of a 4-5 hour raid,
rarely, if ever, going AFK at inconvenient times during
solid preparation so we don’t waste precious raid time on
unnecessary wipes or explanations,
using the best consumables available to you during both farm
and progress (i.e. potions, food, flasks),
min/maxing your character for raiding to a high degree (e.g.
professions, race),
doing whatever is needed outside of raids to optimize your
performance during our limited raiding hours (e.g. farming,
grinding reputations, practicing offspecs, theorycrafting, reading
the guild forum),
a good computer that can handle 20-man raids, as well as a
stable internet connection with a latency below 50
a recent log parse (ideally Warcraft Logs; if you don’t have
one already you need to make one, e.g. on normal or heroic
difficulty, before applying).
A good enough application can compensate for flaws like a lack of
gear or experience with the current content. Things aren't
required, but will make your application much more likely to be
accepted are:
consistent end-game raiding experience since vanilla or at
least the Burning Crusade,
competitive rankings on,
competitive PvP experience or verifiable high-end experience in
another game,
good challenge mode times,
anything that shows your exceptional dedication to your
character (e.g. a high number of achievement points, proving
grounds, brawls),
a good explanation for what you’re looking for in this game,
how much you can or want to raid and why you think that makes Rock
Paper Scissors a good long-term fit for you.
More information
You can contact Otubin or Lisp (battletag: Ratio#2367) if you want
to know more.