Endemic’s goal is to have quality raids, where members dedicate
themselves to maintain a deep understanding of their class and to
be prepared for raiding. It’s important that each individual member
feels like they are a part of our guild, Endemic, not just the raid
team. Everyone is expected to commit to the guild outside of raids,
by being socially active.
We are looking to manage the guild in a reasonable and just way,
but we will not be bothered with lists of rules to obey, eg.: usage
of voice server, read tactics, be on time, no flame, etc. We seek
for members who already have this as a natural
behaviour/conviction. Players who naturally behave this way are in
fact just the sort of players we’re looking for. This shared
philosophy allows us to have a convenient and enjoyable guild
environment. By convenient, we mean that everyone accepts
criticism, and minimal time is spent on telling people to
concentrate more on raiding or being quiet, so more time is spent
on actual progressing. And if it’s enjoyable to be in here, we can
also expect to have fun with each other, which is especially
important during wipe-nights, where raids are not always so much
We will approach you with criticism every now and then. Any
criticism will be generally handled outside of raids, with
exceptions for when certain mechanics are not dealt with properly.
We will always try to bring constructive arguments and examples
when discussing with you and you will be required to deal with our
criticism in a reasonable and objective way. There can be many
reasons for criticizing: Usually when you underperform either
relative to other members, or to your previous performances. For
most roles you can effectively judge –and most importantly improve-
a player’s performance, by relying on raid/combat logs. For
instance, checking the uptime on certain dots and buffs could
reveal mistakes in a player’s rotation. Of course this is a two-way
communication and when appropriate you could be the one telling us
how to improve.
We are seeking members who can accept that sometimes they are
wrong, who are willing to discuss their performance, and actively
seek to improve their game knowledge.
Certain key points of our raiding philosophy have to be made
absolutely clear. First and foremost: We want results. We aim to
kill bosses, we aim to be known as one of the top guilds on
Sylvanas, and we aim to do so while maintaining a good result/time
raided ratio. For that reason, we won’t bother reiterating things
such as “remember to bring flasks”, such trivialities should come
as second nature to anyone with the same goal in mind. It must
however be noted that we aren’t looking for robot-like discipline
with everyone muted save the raid leader. We all enjoy a good
laugh, and we believe it can sometimes be essential to fool around
a little on voice in between wipes in order to relieve the tension
a little, as we all know what a long wipe-night can be like. Our
ideal raiding environment is one with good balance between fooling
around and absolute focus on the fight at hand. We should all be
able to switch on focus mode once the trash has been cleared and
we’re ready to pull, and it should never interfere with what we’re
there to do: Kill some bosses, get some loot and have fun.
Sunday: 19:45-23:45
Tuesday: 19:45-23:45
Thursday: 19:45-23:45
If you have more questions, feel free to add Enaina#2174
If you want a talk, Skype is: Azke94