If you're not a McFgt and are good, come bro out Tuesdays for 5
hours a night.
Quick Info
Faction/Size: Horde - 10 Man
Days/Times: Tuesday 7-12pm Central Standard Time
Logs (WOL): http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/224743/
Logs (WCL):
Website: http://www.devierum.com
Contact (Real ID): Manamonster#1212
Contact (In Game): Manamonster, Mattzo, Stickymeet,
Ticklepickle, Grumpygal, Mananananana, Roylez, Bajingobomb
Contact (Email): devierum@gmail.com
US 11th / West 11th Heroic Fallen Protectors
US 17th / West 17th Heroic Immerseus
US 21st / West 40th Normal Siege of Orgrimmar
US 44th Overall 10 Man Heroic Throne of Thunder
US 47th / Realm 1st Heroic Ra-Den
US 49th / Realm 1st Heroic Lei Shen
US 46th / Realm 1st Heroic Dark Animus
US 55th / Realm 1st Heroic Twin Consorts
US 39th / Realm 1st Heroic Durumu
US 34th / Realm 1st Heroic Primordius
US 49th / Realm 1st Heroic Megaera (10m)
US 54th / Realm 1st Heroic Council
US 56th / Realm 1st Heroic Iron Qon
US 22nd / Realm 1st Heroic Ji-Kun
US 80th / Realm 1st Heroic Tortos
US 90th / Realm 1st Heroic Horridon
US 84th / Realm 1st Heroic Jin'rokh
US 95th / Realm 1st Heroic Sha of Fear
US Top 50 Normal ToT
US Top 300 Heroic DS - 3 week late start, 7 reroll characters, no
legendaries, no Firelands gear
Why Us?
We're raiding 1 night a week but we still kill dragons cause we
don't suck a bunch of dicks.
Don't be a fgt, don't suck too much, don't nig out, don't let your
gf stop you from raiding our ridiculously light schedule because
you're afraid of her withholding her snatch from you.
The majority of the guild have been playing together for years and
have all played in top 50 / top 20 guilds prior to recently
reforming. Devierum was established on (US - Malfurion) back in
2004 and by the end of TBC had worked its way up to the TOP guild
on the server obtaining server firsts throughout Black Temple &
Sunwell including both pre-nerf Muru & KJ kills. We aim to
provide a fun atmosphere of friends while still maintaining a focus
driven raiding environment. As a bunch of re-roll characters
starting 2 weeks in to DS in blues / crappy epics, we managed to
finish the tier with a top 300 US (source:
heroic madness kill without any legendaries, on a strict 12 hour
schedule, and significantly behind the gear curve. Though we are
not focused on our rank, we will certainly always aim for better
during each tier of content and look forward to adding more skill
and depth to our current roster.