<Finale> was created by many world class raiders who returned
from annihilating various other MMOs after taking a break in MoP.
Every one of us has not only been realm first, top 30 in WoW, but
realm first in games like FFXIV, Wildstar, Swtor and more. We are
hardcore raiders and we expect the best from our members.
Our members come from guilds like Promethean, Elitist Jerks, vodka,
Blood Legion and many more. So don't judge us by our fancy new
guild smell. Many of us have been around since Vanilla and Sunwell
and have all the swag to prove it.
Raids Times:
6:15pm-9:30pm PST
*All exceptional applications will be considered.
A loot council in which the raid will decide on gear distribution.
It is based on various important factors such as attendance,
previous loot, need and skill.
If you would like to apply, visit Finaleguild.com.
If you have any questions please add the following: