<The Unbroken Vanguard> is now recruiting for Blackrock and
Highmaul progression! If you enjoy raiding and know that standing
in the fire is a bad thing, then we've got a spot for you!
Our raid schedule is Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, 7:45pm EST to
11:30pm EST.
We are recruiting anyone who has an interest in raiding, if you're
skilled, have the drive, the will to down bosses, and an IQ higher
than the majority of LFR, then we can get you in raids, any class
please feel free to apply!
We're currently looking for any dps specs and classes besides
mages, and a restoration druid and holy paladin.
If you want to get in contact with us, you can add: Flaynfire
(Alex520#1280), Âegis (Godsfire#1709), or